One-on-One Supervision for Registered Dietitians with a Focus on Disordered Eating

Clinical Supervision for Dietitians

Imagine if you…

  • Had a mentor who was a few steps ahead of you as an RD — someone who you could tap for the kind of advice that only another dietitian could give.

  • Were unshakably confident as you navigated your clients’ challenges because you were equipped with a broader skill set in your treatment plans — and had access to continued 1:1 nutritional therapy education.

  • Developed a more advanced understanding of your clients and were able to support them with the best call-to-action as quickly as possible.

Our 1:1 Clinical Dietitian services connect you with Nourishing NY founder and head dietitian, Courtney Darsa, MS, RD, CDN, CDE as your professional mentor.

Whether you’re just starting out as a dietitian or have years of practice under your belt — Courtney partners with you to solidify your approach as a practitioner and equip you with both a clinical and relational confidence to best serve your clients.

Meet Your Supervisory Dietitian

Courtney Darsa, MS, RD, CDN, CDE

After recovering and healing from my own eating disorder, I realized that helping individuals heal their relationship with food and body was my passion. Providing a safe space to help my clients begin to heal from their disordered relationships with food is the foundation of my work — and my practice is committed to providing affordable and accessible care to clients of different backgrounds and socioeconomic statuses.

Because I believe every journey toward recovery looks different — the care we provide is completely individualized to each client — and rooted in creating a neutral or positive environment in which they can thrive.

In addition to serving my clients, my greatest joy is guiding other dietitians and providing them with the foundation they need to make an impact in their clients’ lives.

Supervisory Dietitian Credentials

  • Registered Dietitian 

  • Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES)

  • Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor 

  • Master’s Degree in Nutrition from Stony Brook University 

  • Dietetic Internship and Bachelor’s Degree in Dietetics from the University of Delaware

  • Certified Eating Disorder Specialist (CEDS) certification — in progress

What To Expect

What To Expect

1:1 Clinical Supervision for Dietitians


Once your application is accepted, you will be able to book supervision sessions either individually or as a package. 

  • After booking your session, you will receive an email with a basic intake form designed to provide Courtney with your professional background information and goals.

  • Each supervision session will be 60-minutes and conducted online via Zoom.

  • Our first session will be dedicated to identifying your professional goals for clinical supervision and determining the cadence of our meetings and next steps. Each subsequent session will allow us to go deeper into your goals and treatment approach as a clinician.

Nourishing NY is a different kind of practice — founded on a different set of values. While these values guide our interaction with clients — they’re the same foundation our clinical supervision is built on.

We don’t do diets.

We believe in weight neutrality and Health At Every Size®. We don’t do diet plans that involve counting or tracking — and we’ll never recommend elimination diets.

We’re here for you.

We’re committed to helping individuals hear their relationship with food — no matter their age, weight, gender, socioeconomic status, culture, sexual identity, etc. Everyone is deserving of treatment and recovery, which is why we provide affordable and accessible treatment options.

We’re open and honest.

We communicate with authenticity and welcome the same from our clients.

We lead with empathy.

We do a whole lot of listening — and our fair share of talking too. Our goal is to gain the deepest understanding of our clients as possible. We work hard to make sure our clients feel seen, heard, and supported in a judgment-free environment.

We’re always learning.

We’re continually exposing ourselves to nutritional therapy education to better position ourselves as go-to resources for our clients.

Clinical Supervision with Courtney Darsa, MS, RD, CDN, CDE is for you if…

  • You are committed to non-diet dietetics and practice out of a belief in weight neutrality and HAES®.

  • You are looking for ways to improve or expand the way you serve your clients.

  • You are passionate about learning more about a dietitian’s role in helping individuals heal their relationship with food and body

Clinical Supervision with Courtney Darsa, MS, RD, CDN, CDE is not for you if…

  • Your therapy philosophy does not align with Nourishing NY’s values.

  • You believe your clients’ challenges can be addressed with a one-size-fits-all treatment approach.

  • You’re hesitant to use phrases like “healing your relationship with food” as you treat your clients.

Clinical Supervision Form

If you are interested in our one-on-one supervision mentoring for dietitians, please fill out the form below and we will reach out to you as soon as we are able.